Welding, Heavy Equipment & Machine Shop Services in Kapuskasing
At Kap Machine Shop & Welding Ltd. in Kapuskasing, we provide welding and machine shop services to a range of industrial clients including paper mills, trucking companies and hydroelectric operations. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff has extensive experience in the fields of welding and machining. We’re dedicated to providing exceptional service to our customers and community, and we even provide pick-up and delivery on approved jobs. Our specialties include heavy equipment repairs, hydraulic cylinder repairs, drive shaft parts and repairs, and Flextral® hydraulic and industrial hoses and fittings. Please call or fill out our email form to learn more about our fast, efficient service and reasonable rates.

Kap Machine Shop & Welding Ltd.
385 Government Road E.
Kapuskasing, ON P5N 2X7
Phone: 705-335-6003
Fax: 705-337-6101
Methods of Payment